Tag: Boston Marathon

What’s the Keyword for “Qualifying for the Boston Marathon”?

What are you searching for?

I was interested to see who searched on what to find out how to qualify for Boston. It’s a tricky thing, an inexact science, because there isn’t one word to search for. If you searched on something more general like “how to train for a marathon” you’d get a much higher volume of traffic.
Here’s what I found using the keyword tool in Google Adwords. I plugged in the phrase “How to qualify for the Boston Marathon” and then filtered to only those phrases that contained “Boston”.
This is the list and the traffic is surprisingly low. Even with all the popularity and history of this great event it’s a niche activity.
Keyword Avg. Monthly Searches (exact match only)
how to qualify for the boston marathon 590
boston qualifying times 5400
how to qualify for boston marathon 1300
qualifying time for boston marathon 880
qualifying for boston marathon 720
qualifying times for boston marathon 720
boston marathon qualifying time 720
boston marathon qualifying 590
qualify for boston marathon 590
time to qualify for boston marathon 210
qualifying for the boston marathon 170
qualifying time boston marathon 140
boston marathon qualifier 140
boston marathon qualify 110
qualifying boston marathon 90
qualify boston marathon 90
boston marathon qualifying standards 70
boston marathon qualifying pace 70
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qualifying times for the boston marathon 70
qualifying time for the boston marathon 50
how do i qualify for the boston marathon 50
qualifying times boston marathon 50
time needed to qualify for boston marathon 40
pace to qualify for boston marathon 20
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boston marathon qualify time 30
boston marathon qualify times 30
boston marathon qualifying times pace 30
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how to train to qualify for boston marathon 20
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marathon training to qualify for boston 10
boston marathon qualifier times 20
boston marathon qualifier time 20
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bq boston 10

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